An exploration of

Cultivate a deeper knowledge of your past, your upbringing and your inner landscape.

— Guide you into accepting and making peace with the parts of you that are causing pain and weighing you down.

— Bring your boundaries into focus so that you can be confident in your communication and it will create space so that you feel open and creative.

We don’t believe you can be fixed because we don’t believe you are broken. We lead with gentleness and curiosity to help you find a deep acceptance of all that you are and an unwavering inner confidence.

Let it flow the way it’s supposed to for you. This sort of work can bring emotions to the surface, approach it with a loving kindness.


Go on a deep journey of self. Prompted by our searching questions you will put pen to paper. We cannot do the work for you, self study requires you to commit. We set no time limit to complete any of our work.


Work your way through our unique analysis tool which is broken into 5 parts. This simple tool will shine a light on the areas of self that require some additional focus offering foundation for further study.


Armed with the results from our analysis tool you can chose to focus in on certain areas of self or to work your way through the 5 pillars —self worth, emotional self, relational self, intimacy and expansive beliefs.


This is where you find the tools for practice. We encourage you to pick one practice daily and we have included 16 options to ensure that you find something that works for you and gives you the opportunity to experiment.

Healing and growth should be ongoing, accepting that there is no end is the beginning. It is through daily practice that we begin to feel more at ease with ourselves.

What’s included

We can’t tell you how long it will take to make your way through this workshop. Everybody’s circumstances and working style are unique. On average we find that people take between 11-16 weeks and for those of you who like to follow a structure, we have broken the work down into a suggested timetable.


Deep Questioning

There are over 150 questions spanning your whole life. We rarely take the time to sit and examine what has gone before, this deep questioning gives you the opportunity to reflect, listen, understand and in time, accept your past. Your deep sense of self is in the answers.

Analysis Tool

We have created a unique 5 part analysis tool to help you to understand the areas of self that might require some more attention. A relatively quick practice but when approached with honesty can be very revealing.

4 Essays

We then look into the areas of self in detail through our interactive essays. These cover self-worth, relational self, emotional self, boundaries, humility, anger, forgiveness and expansive thinking.


Our practice chapter is extensive. There are 16 different practices for you to delve into. If you find this overwhelming we have suggested which practice compliments which week of the workshop in our suggested timetable.

Community Support

Whilst this is a self-led workshop, we want you to feel supported. The work can go deep and may bring up old emotions. We send a weekly check in email over the course of the first 11 weeks and you can contact our team with any questions.


£80 for 3 months of worksheets and practices

(5% from every course will be donated to Black Minds Matter)

We have created content to span at least 11 weeks which works out just over £1.00 per day. The workshop takes dedication, if you are looking for a quick fix this is not for you. However if you are ready to lean in and feel fundamental shifts then it’s time to commit.